St. Anthony of Padua Parish
410 W. 18th Street National City, CA
We are very happy that you are planning to have your child baptized and look forward to welcoming your child into our faith community.
Our Baptisms are normally held the last Saturday of each month. With the exception of lent season, December or unforeseen events.
Nuestros Bautismos se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes con la excepción del tiempo de cuaresma, mes de diciembre o eventos inesperados.
To Schedule a Baptism/ Agendar Bautismo
Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their child must do the following requirements prior to child’s baptism:
Los padres que piden el Sacramento del Bautismo para su hijo deben de completar los siguientes requisitos:
1. Stop by the parish office to complete and return Baptism registration form/ Ir a la oficina parroquial y completa la forma de inscripción
2. Bring child’s birth certificate/ Entregar copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño
3. Parents and Godparents must attend pre-baptismal class/ Padre y Padrinos deben de asistir a una clase pre- bautismal
4. Bring a copy of Godparents Sacrament certificate (s) : if single- copy of the 3 Sacrament certificates. If married- copy of marriage certificate given at the Church.
Entregar copia de los certificados de Sacramentos del o los Padrinos:
Solteros- copia de los certificados de los 3 Sacramentos. Casados- copia del certificado de matrimonio por la Iglesia
5. Donation is $45 for active members & $75 for non- registered or inactive.
Donación de $45 para miembros activos & $75 para no miembros o miembros inactivos.
Godparents are an important part of the Sacrament of Baptism, it is their ministry to assist the parents in raising the child in the Catholic Faith.
A Minimum of one, maximum of two godparents
Be at least 16 years of age.
Be a fully initiated, practicing member of the Catholic Church, having received the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
If married, marriage must be a sacramental marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.
Attend pre-baptismal classes
Baptism Preparation Class
Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Class.
You can attend a preparation class at any Catholic parish that offers Baptism preparation classes. Please include a copy of your class certificate with your completed registration forms.
Baptism Classes
If interested in only attending preparation classes please call the parish office to register at 619-477-4520
Office hours for Deacon Braulio Gutierrez
Call parish office to make an appointment